Warm days 

It’s times like these you learn to live again. -Foo Fighters

Mom brought me this gorgeous hanging geranium today to celebrate the halfway point of my radiation treatments. Two more weeks and I’m done with breast cancer treatment.

Spring has sprung with a vengeance in these parts with bright beautiful warm days. The cherry tree next door bloomed this morning.   

And I finally got back out in the woods for a short hike yesterday. It smelled so damn good out there!

I set up a sewing area at home and made block 16 of the Splendid Sampler. I made soup and baked bread and watched a baseball game. 

My ambitions are quite a bit bigger than my energy levels at this point, but I’m slowly, slowly, slowly recovering and finding my way back to some sort of routine. 

Last fall when I was waiting for my treatment to start I had fleeting thoughts of achieving things while I was laid up…reading important books, practicing Spanish, catching up watching online art classes. Ha! In reality I read murder mysteries, watched Gilmore Girls and surfed the Internet on my iPad looking at quilts and crochet. I didn’t have the energy to focus on anything else. 

I’m learning to be ok with that. It’s too easy to feel like that time was “wasted.” I’m trying to shift that thinking…to think of it as a fallow time. Just this week new ideas for life and art have begun bubbling to the surface. I’m so thankful for this opportunity to reset, for this warm weather, for this beautiful spring. 


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4 Responses to Warm days 

  1. Looks like you are pretty active for someone going through chemo…!!! My son felt the same way, that a day was wasted if he had not done at least one thing. Over and over again I had to remind him that Resting is Doing, because resting the body helps with healing and recovery. But like you he is active and wants to keep moving and now that cancer has been in his rear-view for over a year he is all GO< GO< GO !! And you will be, too, soon enough. May your remaining treatments go smoothly and the time fly !

    Great pics, btw !

  2. So glad you have shown so much courage through this whole thing. Praying that the last treatments will be a breeze and you will be cancer free!
